Here in the Triangle, we are blessed with great weather nearly all the year ’round; however, every outdoor wedding needs a “Plan B” for rainy, cold, windy, hot, and dark weather:
1) Cover from direct sun, falling nuts, and rain. This can be a tent, an awning, a porch, a gazebo or a room with open French doors.
2) Climate control: fans or heaters to keep the ambient temperature between 65 and 85 degrees.
3) Parking, unloading and bathrooms close to performance area
4) Adequate and exclusive electrical service with cables protected from wet
5) Eliminate wasps, bees, mosquitoes and chiggers.
6) To avert predictable crises, remember that July and August can be too hot and that November, December, January, February and March are too cold.
7) It is easiest to book your wedding and receptions at venues which provide for weather protection. Be sure to ask if hiring the tent is your responsibility. You may hope for the best, but you must prepare for the worst.