Your wedding day is almost here! That means you’ve been planning and dreaming about this day for months (and maybe even years). As you’ve been planning for the guests, music, and flowers, have you also been planning how to take care of yourself? You and your partner are truly the stars of this show, so you should make sure to take care of yourself and feel amazing on the day of your wedding. If you’re not sure what you should work on, here are some tips on how to improve your well-being before your wedding.

Catch some ZZZs
Trying to fall asleep the night before your wedding is often not an easy task. Your head is spinning with ideas of how the ceremony and reception will be and you’re too excited to shut your brain down for eight hours and get some sleep. Make sure you have a sleeping schedule all set at least a few weeks before your wedding so that you’re not over-tired on your wedding day. Getting enough sleep is so essential for your well-being, so if you’ve previously struggled with sleeping enough, this is something you should work on before your big day. Try essential oils or meditation talk-throughs if falling asleep is something you’ve been struggling with.

Form a positive self-image
During your wedding, you’ll likely want to feel happy and confident with the way you look. Unfortunately, many of us struggle with maintaining a positive view of ourselves and don’t know how to start feeling good about ourselves. Begin by doing away with your negative thoughts about yourself. Think about the qualities of yours that you consider flaws and figure out how you can either improve them or learn to appreciate them. For example, if you’d like to tone up, consider hiring a personal trainer. Or, if the groom would like to grow his thinning hair back, think about using products to improve hair growth.. Everyone is perfect the way they are, so find ways to view yourself in a positive light for your wedding.

Eat a healthy diet
Eating a healthy diet not only helps you look your best, it also helps your body feel great. We all know that unhealthy diets cause weight gain, fatigue, and even some health conditions – which is absolutely something you want to avoid before your wedding. If you’ve had trouble getting yourself to improve your diet in the past, use your wedding as a chance to get healthy. Start with simple steps towards a healthy diet such as not eating out as much or substituting with healthier ingredients. I promise that you’ll quickly feel the benefits a healthy diet provides your body with.

Give yourself breaks
We live in a time where we’re always expected to be working hard and getting things done. With the planning you’re doing, you’re likely getting even more work done than usual and therefore should reward yourself for the effort you’re putting in. Allow yourself to take breaks, whether that means a 15-minute walk to get your mind off of things or a day off to relax. If you feel pressure to always be working on getting something done, you’ll quickly get worn out and won’t be feeling your well. Learn to sense when you need a break and give yourself the time you need to reset and feel your best.

These are just a few ideas to get you thinking about how to care for your wellness before your wedding and is by no means a complete list. Consider what areas you’re currently lacking in and how you can improve to get started! How do you plan to improve your well-being before your wedding?